12/05/2012 New book on “Civil Society in Switzerland” out now!

In this new book my colleagues and I provide the first Swiss-wide survey of civic engagement on the local level. Next to assessing the associational structures of more than 1200 local communities, we conducted a population survey of citizens in 60 representative communities, asking them about their civic engagement and... View Article

22/12/2011 New journal article on the religious factor in family policy

In this article Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen and I test classic versus new hypotheses on the religious factor in family policy in a comparison of 27 OECD countries. Stadelmann-Steffen, I. & Traunmüller, R. (2011): Der religiöse Faktor in der Familienpolitik. Ein empirischer Test klassischer und neuerer Ansätze im Vergleich von 27 OECD-Ländern. Zeitschrift... View Article