30/06/2020 Short Piece on Moral Dilemmas in the Corona Pandemic

A short piece introducing our experiment on moral dilemmas in the Corona pandemic has appeared in WZB Mitteilungen 168 (with M. Helbling, R. Maxwell & S. Munzert). See p. 51 here. The pre-registration document for our study “Does every life count the same? Evidence from a Triage Experiment” can be found here.

08/05/2020 Conditional Accept at PSRM!

Our paper “Backlash to Policy Decisions: How Citizens React to Immigrants’ Rights to Demonstrate” (with Marc Helbling) has just been – conditional upon successful replication – accepted for publication in Political Science Research & Methods!

16/04/2020 NORFACE Research Grant

Our international collaborative project on “The Rural-Urban Divide in Europe (RUDE)” has received funding by the sixth NORFACE transnational programme on Democratic Governance in a Turbulent Age (with Sigrid Roßteutscher, Frankfurt, Kathrin Ackermann, Heidelberg, Chris Claassen, Glasgow, Markus Freitag, Berne, Guillemo Rico, Barcelona, and Sonja Zmerli, Grenoble)!

26/02/2020 Facebook Research Grant

Simon Munzert and I were awarded a Facebook Research Grant to study “Global Preferences for Hate Speech Regulation” using survey experiments in Brazil, Germany, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Philippines, Turkey and the US. (Important disclosure: This is not a quid pro quo. We’re not getting any data from FB. As announced... View Article

31/01/2020 New Article in PSRM!

My article with Thomas Plümper on “The Sensitivity of Sensitivity Analysis” is now out in Political Science Research and Methods!