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27/01/2022 Just Another Conditional Accept at PSRM!

Our joint paper “Affective partisan polarization and moral dilemmas during the COVID-19 pandemic” has just been conditionally accepted at Political Science Research & Methods  (with Lukas Stoetzer, Simon Munzert, Will Lowe, Basak Çalı, Anita Gohdes, Marc Helbling, Rahsaan Maxwell).

26/01/2022 Conditional Accept at PSRM!

Our paper “Computing quantities of interest and their uncertainty using Bayesian simulation” has just been conditionally accepted at Political Science Research & Methods (with Andi Murr and Jeff Gill).

14/12/2021 Invited Talk at WZB

Tomorrow, I will give a talk on “Free Speech and Self-Censorship at the University: Testing the ‘Campus Cancel Culture’ Hypothesis” in the MaD Colloquium at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB).

24/11/2021 Pre-registered Study In-Principle-Accepted!

Our pre-registered study for the GLES Open Science Challenge “Subjective Freedom of Speech: Why Do Citizens Think They Cannot Speak Freely?” (with Jan Menzner) has been in-principle-accepted for publication in Politische Vierteljahresschrift.

24/11/2021 Paper accepted!

Our paper “Muslim Bias or Fear of Fundamentalist Religion? Evidence from Public Reactions to Syrian Refugees” (with Marc and Felix) has just been accepted for publication in Research & Politics!

16/11/2021 New article out now!

Our article “Lässt sich ‘Cancel Culture’ empirisch belegen?” (with P.-I. Villa & M. Revers) has just been published in Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte.

04/11/2021 Article accepted!

Our joint paper (with Tim Hanson, Marc Helbling, Rahsaan Maxwell, Kostas Gemenis, and Levente Littvay) “Developing a COVID-19 module for the European Social Survey” has just been accepted for publication in Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences.

24/08/2021 Proposal Accepted for UNU-WIDER Project on Institutional Legacies of Violent Conflict

Our proposal “The Social and Political Legacy of Wartime Sexual Violence” (with Carlo Koos) was accepted for the Project on Institutional Legacies of Violence Conflict of the United Nations University – World Institute for Development Economics Research. The project seeks to increase understanding among policymakers, academics and practitioners of how institutional dynamics that develop... View Article