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10/03/2014 New journal article conditionally accepted!

Our paper “Moral Politics: The Religious Factor in Referenda Voting” (together with Carolin Rapp, Markus Freitag & Adrian Vatter) has been conditionally accepted for publication in Politics and Religion. Here is the abstract: This article combines the research strands of moral politics and political behavior by focusing on the effect... View Article

15/12/2013 Talk at Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB)

This coming Wednesday, I am invited to the Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB) to give a talk on “Changing Religious Regulation in Europe, 1990-2011” for the Research Unit Migration, Integration, Transnationalization.  Where? WZB, Reichpietschufer 50, 10785 Berlin, room B002. When? December 18th, 11:00.

27/11/2013 New Journal Article on “Religious Diversity and Social Integration” out now!

My article on religious diversity and social integration in a cross-cultural comparison has been published: R. Traunmüller (2013): Religiöse Diversität und Sozialintegration im internationalen Vergleich. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 65: 437-465.  Abstract Following Robert D. Putnam’s (2007) thesis that ethnic diversity weakens social cohesion, this study addresses the social... View Article

08/08/2013 New journal article in early view

The article “Beyond Generalised Trust: Norms of Reciprocity as an Alternative Form of Social Capital in an Assimilationist Integration Regime” (with Birte Gundelach) has finally been published online first with Political Studies. See here.

19/06/2013 Two Talks at the Annual Conference of the EPSA in Barcelona

This friday and saturday I will give two talks, one on “Modeling Latent Information in Voting Data using Dirichlet Process Priors” (joint paper with Jeff Gill and Andreas Murr) and one on “Changes in Religious Regulation in 31 European Democracies, 1990-2011”. Here are the abstracts: Modeling Latent Information in Voting... View Article