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10/04/2013 Talk at the Annual Conference of the MPSA

This friday I will give a talk on “The Dynamics of Social Context on Political Preferences in Germany” at the annual conference of the MPSA in Chicago. Here’s the abstract: The paper investigates how geographically defined social contexts impact on political preferences over time. Berelson et al. 1954 argue in their... View Article

08/11/2012 Bayes Workshop “Finding Thetas in Europe”

Next week we will have our little Bayes Workshop “Finding Thetas in Europe” in Berne, Switzerland. When? November 16-17th. Where? Department of Social Sciences, University of Berne, Lerchenweg 36, 3012 Berne, Room S121. The final program is here.

23/09/2012 Article on Diversity and Social Capital Accepted for Publication!

My joint work with Birte Gundelach “Beyond Generalized Trust: Norms of Reciprocity as an Alternative Form of Social Capital in an Assimilationist Integration Regime” got accepted for publication in Political Studies. Here’s the abstract:   Scholars have recently stressed two important avenues for the study of cultural diversity and social capital –... View Article

23/09/2012 Panel on “Freedom, Pluralism, Civil Society”

The working group “Politics and Religion“ will organize a panel at this year’s general conference of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) in Tübingen:   “Freedom, Pluralism, Civil Society: Do the Promises between Democracy and Religion Hold?” Prof. Corwin E. Smidt, Ph.D., Calvin College, Grand Rapids MI Key Note Lecture... View Article

21/06/2012 Talk at the Annual Conference of the EPSA

This saturday I will give a talk on “The Dynamics of Social Context on Political Preferences in Germany” at the second annual conference of the EPSA in Berlin. Here’s the abstract: The paper investigates how geographically defined social contexts impact on political preferences over time. Berelson et al. 1954 argue in... View Article