Author Archives for richard

Paper accepted at BJPS!

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Our paper “Value Conflicts Revisited: Muslims, Gender Equality and Gestures of Respect” (with Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, Marc Helbling, and Paul M. Sniderman)... View Article

Conditional Accept at AJPS!

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Our article “The Gendered Costs of Stigma: How Experiences of Wartime Sexual Violence Encourage Civic Engagement for Women and Men”... View Article

New Working Paper on SSRN!

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Our working paper on “Measuring Multidimensional Social Identification Using a Conjoint Experiment” (with S. Göbel and Alex Schmidt-Catran) is now... View Article

EITM Europe in Oslo

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Starting tomorrow, I will teach a 2.5 days course on “Statistical Foundations of EITM” at the EITM Europe Summer Institute... View Article

New Article Out Now!

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Our article on “Social Integration: Conceptual Foundations and Open Questions” has just been published at the Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie... View Article

Teaching Award!

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I won this year’s Teaching Award of the Social Science Students Council at Mannheim! This is a very nice honor!