Author Archives for richard

Paper Accepted at CPS!

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Our (with Marc Helbling and Rahsaan Maxwell) paper on “Numbers, Selectivity and Rights: The Conditional Nature of Immigration Policy Preferences”... View Article

Conditional Accept at JPR!

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Our paper (with Belen Gonzalez) on the “Political Consequences of Wartime Sexual Violence” has been conditionally accepted at the Journal... View Article

Some recent talks

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In the last couple of weeks I gave the following talks and presentations: Talk on “Does Diversity Erode Trust?” at... View Article

Article Accepted!

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Our article “The importance of citizenship for deserving COVID-19 treatment” (with R. Maxwell, M. Helbling & S. Munzert) has been... View Article

New Article Out Now!

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Our article on “Subjective Freedom of Speech: Why Do Citizens Think They Cannot Speak Freely?” (together with Jan Menzner) is... View Article

Invited Talk on Campus Cancel Culture

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Today, I will give a talk on “Testing the Campus Cancel Culture Hypothesis” at Ruhr University Bochum.

Talk on Affective Polarization

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Tomorrow, I will give a talk on “Affective Polarization in Germany” at the RISC Annual Conference in Bremen.