Author Archives for richard

Just Another Conditional Accept at PSRM!

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Our joint paper “Affective partisan polarization and moral dilemmas during the COVID-19 pandemic” has just been conditionally accepted at Political Science... View Article

Conditional Accept at PSRM!

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Our paper “Computing quantities of interest and their uncertainty using Bayesian simulation” has just been conditionally accepted at Political Science Research... View Article

Invited Talk at WZB

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Tomorrow, I will give a talk on “Free Speech and Self-Censorship at the University: Testing the ‘Campus Cancel Culture’ Hypothesis”... View Article

Paper accepted!

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Our paper “Muslim Bias or Fear of Fundamentalist Religion? Evidence from Public Reactions to Syrian Refugees” (with Marc and Felix)... View Article

Data Literacy Essentials

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Tomorrow, I will give a short talk on data visualization in the Data Literacy Essentials series.

New article out now!

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Our article “Lässt sich ‘Cancel Culture’ empirisch belegen?” (with P.-I. Villa & M. Revers) has just been published in Aus... View Article

Article accepted!

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Our joint paper (with Tim Hanson, Marc Helbling, Rahsaan Maxwell, Kostas Gemenis, and Levente Littvay) “Developing a COVID-19 module for... View Article