Author Archives for richard

EITM Europe in Oslo

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I am currently teaching a two-and-a-half day workshop on “Experiments for Evidence-based Political Science” at the EITM Europe Summer Institute... View Article

Paper out now!

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Our paper on affective political polarization in triage decisions is now out in Political Science Research & Methods! (with L.... View Article

New working paper

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Our RISC working paper on social integration is out now! (In German, together with Daniela Grunow, Patrick Sachweh & Uwe... View Article

New working paper

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Our new working paper “Value Conflicts Revisited: Gender Equality and Gestures of Respect” (together with Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, Marc Helbling and... View Article

Invited Talk at Leuphana

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Next Tuesday, I will give a talk on “The Rural-Urban Divide in Europe” at Leuphana University Lüneburg.

Invited Talk in Vienna

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On Tuesday, I will give a talk on “The Political Consequences of Wartime Sexual Violence” at the Vienna University of... View Article

Paper Out Now!

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Our paper on Computing quantities of interest and their uncertainty using Bayesian simulation (with Andi Murr and Jeff Gill) is out... View Article

UNU-WIDER Working Paper out now!

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Check out our new working paper: Koos, C. & Traunmüller, R. (2022). The social and political consequences of wartime sexual... View Article